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The top sports of the year including racing around the Nurburgring to taking on robotic dinosaurs, and compiling the Pokedex, and cerebral androids robbing the streets,


This clever and sociable word game was the story of the year’s first quarter. As mysterious coloured block Emojis flooded social media, half of the world was intrigued to figure out the word of the day. Wordle popularity may have waned in the past few months after it was taken over by the New York Times, but it’s going to be a big game for 2022.

We said that simplicity is the best part. Everyday, a Wordle comes out. It’s the exact Wordle that is available to everyone. There aren’t any ads, no annoying notifications reminding you to return every morning There are no unique skins… Wordle’s refusal to play in capitalist systems, which define so many games today it has a refreshing and innocent feel to it. Wordle remains in its pure form for the foreseeable future.

Elden Ring

Amazing and complex action-fantasy video game from Hidetaka Mikaziki, one the most talented game directors in the world, and FromSoftware, a seemingly inexhaustible team of game developers.by link salmanzafar website This is a place where you don’t will know what you’ll come across that you’ll be defeated fifty times and still want to return to discover more.

What we told you: “Video games can be various things, expressing a variety of artistic ambitions. They all have a common goal, however that is to create an engaging world filled with intriguing mystery, intriguing secrets, and enriching opportunities for competition and collaboration. They offer a place where a determined participant can fix what’s broken or even re-order chaos. This means that, at least, Elden Ring is the most enjoyable video game ever created.”

OlliOlli World

It’s a friendly skateboarding experience that has a chilled soundtrack along with some cool artwork and a style that is suitable for alternative. You make a cute little skater. Make your own board and you’ll take it into enchanting, dreamy locations like grinding on rails or riding across billboards aided by massive bees. Try to squeeze as many tricks into each level as you can.

We said: “From its free-spirited counterculture style to its vibrant aesthetic, this is the gaming equivalent of a weekend trip to Brighton A fun and interactive experience for those who can’t skate but are determined to purchase a new pair of Vans anyway.”

Horizon Forbidden West

It’s a huge game that isn’t easy to navigate however it’s also incredibly enjoyable to explore the post-apocalyptic US with the red-haired Aloy. The frightened robot dinosaurs and conflicting tribes present dangers, and fighting them is fun the deeper into the game you go. But it’s the entire world that is full of stunning sights, tempting treasures and unusual characters, that creates the excitement. Even after 50 hours immersed in the game, you’ll never tire of how incredible it appears.

What we thought: “It’s when I was out there, following whatever trails I found that Horizon made me the most happy. I lost hours out there collecting random objects from abandoned train stations or destroyed planes, as well as scrapping with the terrifying mechanical creatures that stalk the streets.”

Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Arceus is the very first major change in the 25-year-old Pokemon game, sees you acting more like a researcher rather than a combater. It takes you back to the past and lets you help compile the first Pokedex. While it’s not great but it is able to inspire even older millennials to awe at the wild creatures and animals they inhabit.

What we said was: “Twenty six years after I captured my very first Pokemon. The franchise is still young and that giddy sense of excitement is returning.”

Total War: Warhammer III

The finale of a grand, operatic fantasy war game trilogy, this gigantic-scale high-stakes strategy game features eight factions of stunningly overwrought daemons, dwarves, undead and ogres fight epic battles and sieges to build and secure their empires (and lay claim to supernatural powers of the demon Naturally). The sandbox is an excellent space to play Warhammer players to have fun.

What we said: “Warhammer’s real trick has always been that it remains funny over its own excesses, while still worldbuilding with earnest imagination. Creative Assembly caps off the trilogy with one of its most gripping funny writing.”


Recalling the days when you’d have to go through an instruction manual for games when you got stuck rather than looking to Google for instant answers, Tunic is an enigmatic and very, very imaginative adventure game that was inspired by old-school Zelda. Its derelict temples and dungeons are full of mysterious games and creatures that captivate the imagination as well as your reflexes and brain. It’s also incredibly adorable.

We said that it was a privilege that a sport doesn’t push you towards the next target, but instead gives players the chance to dream.

Nintendo Switch Sports

This enjoyable and friendly sport game lets you play with your family, friends even strangers in bowling, tennis, football, and sword fighting. The motion controls are enjoyable and easy enough for everyone to pick up and play but not without finesse. This game is especially liked by children.

We stated that “none of these games would suffice for a single game, but when combined with Nintendo’s charming aesthetic and brain-inducing music, they can be an enjoyable experience.”

Gran Turismo 7

This racing simulation is fastidious and provides the most realistic driving experience in video games. It also has its unique, quirky character. If you want to know what it feels like to race around the Nurburgring 24 hours a day in intense rain at night, GT7 will let you. If you want to collect cars rendered in obsessive detail then you can do that too (though the game’s economy has some flaws that need to be worked out). A massive tribute to automotive culture.

We stated: “It is reassuring to know that Gran Turismo retains its distinct, unique character despite ever greater technical refinement.” It’s evident in the Grab-bag Mission Mode which shows that racing against Fiat 500s that have 17 brake horsepower Fiat 500s may be more thrilling and thrilling than one between 50 horsepower Fiat 500s.

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

This family-friendly journey takes you through the Star Wars films in a hilarious slapstick fashion. The show also features an array of jokes, collectibles, and anything else one Star Wars fan (or their parents!) could want. It’s astonishing to see the technological advancements in the games in this series.

We said: “These games have always attempted to conjure the best family movie franchises in the way we choose to remember them, minus the sloppy, indulgent, and unsettling bits.” It’s even possible to enjoy The Phantom Menace here, my god.

Citizen Sleeper

You are an android belonging to a business and are on the run. This is a thoughtfuland thoughtful game that uses expressive texts and illustrations to communicate its concepts of technology and humanity. It’s a much more cerebral experience than many science fiction.

We said: “The characters are so well drawn, literally and literally it’s tempting spend as much time as you can within their circle.”


NORCO, a video game that has reached new levels of storytelling, depicts an imaginary town and community in danger of extinction. The plot is based on the personal experiences of the creators who grew-up in Norco, Louisiana’s real-life refinery. It’s a point-and-click adventure with interesting, detailed pixels. It’s hilarious, cut and well-written. It is a memorable piece of environmentalist analysis and social commentary that can be used as a satire or depiction of a sick society.

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